Webinar Series

Evolving trends in Indian STEM

We will be hosting a panel discussion regularly for this series and will be focusing on key issues that are relevant to the progress of the Indian scientific community.


The main aim of this session was to discuss the importance of undergraduate research and mentorship in India from the perspectives of various people- undergraduates, faculty and educators, administrators and the government. Our goal is to learn from top experts in the field of curriculum and program development for undergraduate research in India on how to bridge the gap between classroom theoretical learning and actively performing curiosity-driven scientific activities and experiments.


Webinar full recording

Pre-recorded presentation by Prof. Nagarjuna. Prof. G Nagarjuna is a science education researcher at the Homi Bhabha Center for Science education with TIFR and is mainly interested in knowledge organization and pedagogical approaches to connected learning. In the talk, he shows us how effective STEM habits formation is for scientific learning.