Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University
2022 SCi-ROI roles: Outreach and Job-Portal/Funding Database organizer at Sci-ROI
2023 SCi-ROI roles: Job portal, funding database, website, and graphics
I am currently a postdoctoral research scientist at Biomedical Engineering department, Columbia University. My reasearch is in the areas of characterizing vascular wall for detecting cardiovascular diseases. I received my Ph.D. degree in Structural Engineering & Mechanics and Masters degree in Applied Mathematics from North Carolina State University (NCSU). I got to know about Sci-ROI from one of my colleagues at NCSU. Since my goal is to transition back to India in near future, I decided to join Sci-ROI in 2022 to help with the missions of Sci-ROI and to connect with the Indian STEM eco-system.