Lightning Talks @
Sci-ROI Global 2022 Annual Event

The scientific environment in India has its unique strengths and challenges. Ever wondered how can you implement your research in the Indian ecosystem?
We at Sci-ROI Global think that transitions can be made easier and more fruitful if you can interact with established researchers and peers in India and get feedback about your research ideas and proposal. To this end, we will have a Lightning Talk Session at our annual event this year.
During this panel, shortlisted attendees can present their research ideas in the form of a 5-minute talk, and get feedback on how to implement their research in a progressive manner for the Indian scientific and funding ecosystem.
- STEM Professionals transitioning to Indian STEM sectors (academic, non-academic, industry, start-up, others)
- Currently working outside India
- The event is completely FREE
- Interested attendees can submit an abstract (300 words max.) on their research idea and implementation in the Indian scientific system. The abstract should be written in a way that could be understood by a general audience.
- Attendees can choose a research/scientific discipline and at least 3 research keywords that closely describe their scientific work.
- Attendees who want to transition outside academia can also apply. Their abstract can include a discussion about work they would like to do in that specific field (eg: science policy, communication, research management, etc.).
- For each research/scientific discipline, a maximum of 5 abstracts will be shortlisted.
- Shortlisted attendees can prepare 5 slides and a 5-minute presentation highlighting their research and implementation in the Indian ecosystem.
- 5-minute talks will take place in each research discipline in separate breakout rooms on Zoom platform. Each talk will be followed by a 5-min feedback session.
- Any attendee not giving a talk but still interested in participating in the discussion can attend the breakout rooms.
July 24, 2022 (Sunday): Abstract submission portal for the Sci-ROI 2022 Annual Event opens.
August 21, 2022 (Sunday): Last day to submit an abstract (300-word max.).
September 4, 2022 (Sunday): Shortlisted attendees will be notified of the results.
September 25, 2022 (Sunday): Live lightning talk session on Zoom platform