Pracheta S Salunkhe

Pracheta S Salunkhe

PhD Research Scholar, University of Mumbai

Website, Newsletter, Virtual Recruitment Drive

I am a Ph.D. research scholar in Life Sciences at the University of Mumbai, specializing in plant biotechnology, plant biochemistry, metabolomics, nanobiotechnology, and bioanalytical sciences. My journey with Sci ROI began in 2020-21 during the pandemic when I attended a webinar related to my specialization. I was inspired by Sci ROI’s initiatives in fostering awareness about STEM opportunities in India and its role in addressing “Reverse Brain Drain.”
Over the past three years as a Sci ROI leadership team member, I have actively contributed to leveraging a global platform for researcher networking and knowledge exchange, particularly in light of emerging opportunities following the implementation of NEP 2020. Currently, I lead the website and newsletter team, ensuring effective communication and outreach. Additionally, I have been part of the graphics and science policy teams, contributing to Sci ROI’s strategic initiatives. As a volunteer from India, I have also managed key background operations for the virtual recruitment drive and annual meeting events.

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